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Niek van Son MSc

Niek van Son
Founder & Senior consultant
Niek van Son MSc

Marketing Management (MSc, Tilburg University). Over 10 years of online experience at b2b, scale ups, financial services companies and marketplaces, both nationally and internationally. Works as ad interim online marketing manager for Brookz. Reads: Sharp, Taleb, Kahneman. Intrigued by how SME entrepreneurs make decisions.

"People don't say what they do, and don't do what they say."

"Hope is not a strategy."

"Not choosing is also a choice."

Occasionally writes articles for Frankwatching, Marketingfacts and B2bmarketeers.nl.

Hobby Projects: Brandio & Surface Interval.

  • Running
  • Diving
  • Music lover

Articles by Niek van Son MSc

Written on July 26, 2024

Affect heuristic: definition, examples and practical tips

Have you ever looked back on a decision and wondered why you thought it was a good choice at the time? It is likely that the affect heuristic played a role. This cognitive bias can make both large and small judgments....

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Written on July 12, 2024

Ambiguity effect: definition, examples and practical tips

People may be reluctant to use AI because they still trust human actions more than the unknown and mysterious of AI. In doing so, they do miss the opportunity to save time and money or to...

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Written on June 28, 2024

Commitment bias: Definition, examples and practical tips

Imagine this: you've launched a new product that you've been working on for months. Despite extensive marketing campaigns, sales fall short of expectations. Yet you continue to invest in this product, driven by the...

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Written on June 3, 2024

Priming effect: definition, examples and practical tips

Imagine smelling the fragrance of freshly baked bread as you enter the supermarket; you are now much more likely to come out with a loaf of bread in your basket. This is a familiar example...

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Written on May 3, 2024

Nostalgia effect: definition, examples and practical tips

You are walking in the store and suddenly you see, smell or hear something that reminds you of a nice time in your life with warm feelings. You subconsciously even pay to have that feeling more often....

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Written on April 26, 2024

Choice overload: definition, examples and practical tips

Think about choosing a new smartphone. There used to be only a few models available, which made choosing relatively easy. Today, the market is flooded with hundreds of models, each with its own specifications and features. You can spend hours...

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Written on January 12, 2024

Salience bias: definition, examples and practical tips

As a business owner, your decisions may be influenced more by salient recent events than by objective data, a phenomenon known as salience bias. In this article, we explore how this psychological bias can affect your business decision-making, how to overcome this...

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Written on December 22, 2023

Status quo bias: definition, examples and practical tips

Growth means change, but are entrepreneurs always willing to embrace these changes? Often they cling to the current situation, even when it is not optimal. Take, for example, a collaboration partner who consistently fails to meet his agreements; seeking...

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Written on December 15, 2023

Ostrich (ostrich) effect: definition, examples and practical tips

Do you think AI won't have that much of an impact? Nobel laureate Paul Krugman said in 1998, "By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."...

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Written on December 8, 2023

Hindsight bias: definition, examples and practical tips

There are very many people who can explain in retrospect why certain events took place, but very few who can predict in advance that they will take place. Looking back, everything is very clear. Why do we suddenly find unpredictable events predictable after they happen?

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