- Achieve ambitious growth targets
- Increase market share
- Sustainable competitive advantage

A keyword research reveals who your potential customers are, how big the market is and how many visitors come to the marketplace. In doing so, we identify both the need for the product and the need for the solution. The data generated by such a survey also helps us to set realistic expectations.
A keyword research reveals who your potential customers are, how big the market is and how many visitors come to the marketplace. In doing so, we identify both the need for the product and the need for the solution. The data generated by such a survey also helps us to set realistic expectations.
The importance of keyword research
In this research we look at what keywords people use when searching for your product or service. Or when searching from a need where one does not yet know the solution. Because at each stage of the buying process, keywords are different. We also look at how often keywords are used. In this way we map out the search behavior of your target audience and match the content on your website precisely to that search behavior.
The result: focused efforts that produce results and avoid waste.
What engages the target audience?
Keywords show the visitor's needs and obstacles.
What is the volume of keywords?
Of course, we measure and know how often keywords are used within a given time period.
What do keywords say about the market?
The more often keywords are used, the more interesting the market and the greater the competition.
How far along in the buying process is the prospect?
Keywords give away a lot about the stage in the customer journey.
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