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A/B testing

He who says A must also try B

  • Achieve ambitious growth targets
  • Increase market share
  • Sustainable competitive advantage

Important pages should be tested

If you spend a lot of money to generate traffic, it's wise to also invest in improving the quality and conversion of that traffic. In fact, if you don't test important pages on your website, you're going backwards. And if you do test, you also understand better than your competition what works and what doesn't.

Intuition is often a poor counsellor

Often changes are made to Web sites because someone just shouts something. Something of that he thinks it can be done better. But whether it will turn out better is usually not checked. And intuition or impulsiveness turns out to be a bad advisor in hindsight.

A/B testing



Make decisions based on facts

Intuition is not a good advisor in marketing

Start learning

Learning happens after testing and interpreting results.

Increase competitiveness

Knowing more than the competition is very valuable. You therefore gain more competitiveness in Google Ads.

Limit advertising costs

With higher conversion, the cost per conversion goes down.

Are the results from your online marketing disappointing?

Request our no-obligation performance scan and we'll tell you where you're going wrong.