

More customers, more growth and more insight, with Tasmanic

  • Achieve ambitious growth targets
  • Increase market share
  • Sustainable competitive advantage
Scale-up marketing

Our goal for scale-ups: exponential growth

Scale-ups come in many shapes and sizes, but they all face one thing: cutthroat competition. Winning the battle with competitors requires at least the following 2 things: making sure people think of you, and making sure they can easily buy when they are ready.

The latter is almost always initiated online. Online marketing should therefore be a fixture for any scale-up that wants to grow fast.

Online marketing as a driver of growth

The first customers come from the founders' network or are the investors, but after that it is a matter of building a scalable lead machine at lightning speed. Online marketing is an indispensable tool for this, but putting it to good use requires expertise.

Not every scale-up has that marketing expertise in-house by a long shot. Logical, because in the first few years the focus is on developing the product or service. This means that many scale-ups miss opportunities in the area of online marketing. And online marketing in particular can be a scalable driver of growth.

Benefits for scale-ups

Lowering the churn rate: ensuring that customers don't drop out, generating more value per customer.

Reduce burn rate and cash flow: using the marketing budget efficiently and effectively prevents excessive marketing expenditures with too low returns.

Reduce customer acquisition costs: bring in new customers at the lowest possible cost.

Why Tasmanic?

  • Experienced, wo-educated specialists
  • We ensure sustainable growth
  • We know the target audience

How we proceed

Tasmanic works in a planned manner based on thorough analysis.


Analysis current situation

To choose the best approach, you need to know what the current situation is.


Strategy based on analysis

Based on the analysis of the current situation, a strategy is determined.


Strategy-based campaigns

Based on the strategy, we choose channels, budgets and expressions.

Working with Tasmanic?

If website texts are to be believed, all agencies deliver genius.

We believe there is only one way to find out if you want to work with us. Step one is that we engage in conversation on or offline to see if our goals match.


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