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Website selling in 8 steps (2025)

sell website

Written by Niek van Son MSc on January 22, 2025

Niek van Son

Last updated January 31, 2025


No matter how successful you are with your website or web shop, there can always come a time when you want to change tack. For example, because you don't have enough time left, or because you'd rather work on other online activities. Just throwing your website offline is a waste, because you have not invested so much in it for nothing. Selling your website is a better option, and one with which you can earn a lot of money.

To get you started, we cover the following components that are important when selling an online store.

Why sell your website?

There are several reasons why you might want to sell your website or web shop. For example, Web site owners cite these reasons:

  • Lack of time: website maintenance takes more time than expected.
  • No resources to invest: taking the website to the next level requires excessive financial investment.
  • The website cannot be combined with a new job.
  • Getting started with a new website or web shop, leaving insufficient focus for the existing website.

Quitting is very common in this industry: according to CBS, web shops are the sector with the most new start-ups as well as large numbers of quitters each year.

What types of buyers are there?

You can sell your Web site to different types of buyers. For example, you can sell to a private buyer, who wants to buy an existing web shop to get a running start. You can also sell to another webshop, with which the buyer can strategically strengthen his market position. Of course, it is also possible to sell to one of your employees. This can be pleasant for both parties: you leave your business in trusted hands and the employee can continue his work, but as owner.

Where do you find a buyer for your website?

The question, of course, is: where do you find a buyer for your website? It is not effective to post ads on your website or social media channels yourself. It is better to choose a reliable platform or an intermediary. This way you make sure your website sells in an efficient and safe way. Good platforms are:

  • Sitedeals: a Dutch platform for selling websites.
  • Flippa: an open auction site for international websites.
  • Empire Flippers: an intermediary for website sales.
  • Brookz: the largest acquisition platform in the Netherlands.
  • WebshopOvername: Experts in e-commerce - 35,000+ serious (sell) buyers on the largest website selling platform in the Netherlands

How much is your website worth?

If you are going to sell your website or webshop, then of course you want to know how much it is worth. There are several ways to calculate that. In general, websites are worth about two to three times the annual profit. Note that this is a starting point with which you can enter negotiations with buyers. Other factors, such as market demand and longer-term sales expectations, also play a large role in determining the final sales price.

When is your website ready for sale?

Of course, not just any website can be sold. Your Web site must have clear value to potential buyers. Your business must be financially sound and well organized, rank high in Google's organic search results (so additional advertising is not necessary) and have growth potential for the future. If you have an online store, it is important that the processes behind it are automated. Potential buyers are probably looking for a business that is already running smoothly, and does not need large investments to become profitable.

Creating good reports

If you want to sell your website, make sure your records are complete. Buyers want to be sure that your company's finances are in order and that all records are correct. Provide financial reports that include all costs, benefits and important supporting documents. Also provide well-supported reports around your search traffic and social media. Google Analytics and Google Search Console will help you with this.

Roadmap: 8 steps to sell your website at the best price

Selling an online store at the best possible price requires careful preparation, attractive presentation of your website and finding the right buyer. Here is a roadmap to get you started:

  1. Analyze your website:
    Make a thorough analysis of your website's strengths and weaknesses. Take time to assess all aspects of the website, including traffic, revenue, market position, content quality, SEO and technical aspects.
  2. Improve your website:
    It may sound crazy, but it will do the value of your website good to be in optimal condition when selling. Make sure there are no (or limited) technical problems, website is up to date and the user-friendliness of the website is good. A buyer will always look around on the website, if he or she then encounters all kinds of problems, the interest in your webshop will drop.
  3. Determine the value of your website:
    To get the best price, first determine the value of your website. To do this, it is a good idea to look at the amounts for which companies selling in similar industries with similar sales and profits are selling for. In addition, you can also factor your company's growth prospects into the price you ask. Make sure you can properly justify why and how much you think you can still grow your web shop.
  4. Gather documentation:
    Potential buyers want to see proof of your website's performance and revenue. Collect documentation such as Google Analytics reports, revenue reports and other relevant data to present to interested buyers.
  5. Create a sales ad:
    Present your website in an attractive way by creating a compelling sales ad. Mention your website's strengths: revenue, traffic statistics and any unique selling points.
  6. Choose the sales channel:
    You can sell your website in different ways, such as through online marketplaces, specialized website brokers or your own network. Choose the channel that best suits your needs and target audience.
  7. Negotiate with buyers:
    Be prepared to negotiate the sale price and terms with potential buyers. During negotiations, consider both your own interests and those of the buyer, and be prepared to show some flexibility.
  8. Transfer and completion:
    Once you have reached an agreement with a buyer, deal with the technical and financial aspects of the transfer. Work with the buyer to transfer the website, domain name and any other relevant items. Provide a clear and binding sales agreement to avoid any future disputes.


Perhaps not the most realistic examples for your website, but this will certainly motivate you to charge the right price for your website.

  • Marktplaats.nl:
    In 2004, this popular Dutch ad website was bought by eBay for about €225 million.
  • Booking.com:
    The Netherlands-based travel platform was acquired in 2005 by U.S. company Priceline (now Booking Holdings) for an estimated $133 million.
  • Voetbalzone.co.uk:
    This popular soccer news website was sold in 2013 for 2 million euros to Britain's PERFORM Group.

Tips for selling your website

Of course, you want to sell your website as quickly as possible, at the best price. Include these tips in the sales process:

  • Clearly highlight all the USPs and strengths of your website or web shop. Whether it is the revenue prospects or the percentage of organic search traffic: make sure the success factors stand out immediately.
  • Set your price as high as possible, because you can always negotiate. Getting potential buyers to bid is also a way to secure the highest amount.
  • Make sure interested parties can easily request your financial and website reports.
  • Don't make an overnight sale. Think carefully about the offers you receive. Price is not the only thing that matters: the buyer's plans for your business can also play a big role. You've worked so hard on it for a reason, and it's great if you can transfer your business to a party that has good long-term plans for it.
Niek van Son

Niek van Son MSc

Marketing Management (MSc, University of Tilburg). 10+ years of experience as an online marketing consultant (SEO - SEA). Occasionally writes articles for Frankwatching, Marketingfacts and B2bmarketeers.nl.

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